Core JavaScript

Course Code: JSC

Duration: 2 days


Core JavaScript Course Overview

JavaScript is one of the most popular and commonly used programming languages today. Not only is it the language of the web and front-end frameworks like Angular and React, but it can now be used to build anything (front-end, back-end, or otherwise) thanks to runtimes like NodeJS.

This course is designed to provide delegates with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to code in JavaScript, but with special attention on the front-end. Delegates will learn about variables and data types, functions, program flow, the DOM, event handling, and Web APIs.

Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.

NB: This course assumes ES6 as the baseline specification for JavaScript. This is because ES6 is now widely supported.

Course Objectives

This course aims to provide delegates with the skills and knowledge necessary to write basic JavaScript code that exploits variables, functions, conditional and iterative statements, and objects. Delegates should also be able to exploit their knowledge of the DOM, event handling, and Web APIs to make web pages dynamic and interactive.

Who will the Course Benefit?

The course is aimed at those who are new or have had little exposure to JavaScript, and who will be responsible for building or maintaining JavaScript apps. It may also be of value to those who wish to refresh/renew their knowledge of JavaScript after some time away from it.

Skills Gained

The delegate will learn and acquire skills as follows:

  • Build and deploy a simple web app
  • Make use of built-in data types for managing data
  • Exploit functions to compartmentalise and re-use code
  • Manage program flow via conditions, loops, and error handling
  • Manipulate the DOM
  • Respond to the user via event handling
  • Make use of Web APIs such as Date, JSON, and LocalStorage

Core JavaScript Training Course

Course Introduction

  • Administration and Course Materials
  • Course Structure and Agenda
  • Delegate and Trainer Introductions


  • Setting up the development environment
  • What is JavaScript?
  • HTML and CSS - a brief refresher
  • Embedding JavaScript in HTML
  • Executing JavaScript with NodeJS
  • Browser JS vs. NodeJS
  • A simple example
  • Syntax and comments
  • ECMAScript and JavaScript
  • Deployment


  • Values
  • Variables
  • var, let, and const
  • Naming conventions
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Booleans
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • The typeof operator
  • Dynamic typing
  • Type conversion and coercion
  • Arithmetic
  • Handling text incl. template literals

Session 3: FUNCTIONS

  • Function declarations
  • Parameters
  • Return statements
  • Function expressions
  • Arrow functions
  • Declaration, expression, or arrow function?
  • Calling functions
  • Pass by value or reference?
  • An introduction to scope
  • Default parameters
  • Built-in functions


  • Relational and logical operators
  • Equalty comparisons and sameness
  • Truthy and falsey
  • Conditional statements
  • Iterative statements
  • Error handling
  • Debugging

Core JavaScript Training Course

Session 5: OBJECTS

  • Objects (again)
  • Properties
  • Dot notation
  • Square bracket notation
  • Function properties (methods)
  • The this keyword
  • Iterating over object properties
  • The Object type
  • Array objects and methods
  • String objects and methods


  • HTML elements and JavaScript objects
  • The DOM
  • DOM referencing
  • DOM data types
  • Element manipulation
  • Creating, adding and removing elements


  • Events
  • Event propagation
  • Event listeners
  • Event listener registration
  • The event object

Session 8: WEB APIS

  • What is an API?
  • Browser APIs
  • Accessing browser APIs
  • Date
  • Math
  • RegExp
  • JSON
  • Client-side storage
  • Geolocation
  • Others
  • Course technical content is subject to change without notice.
  • Course content is structured as sessions, this does not strictly map to course timings. Concepts, content and practicals often span sessions.


Delegates should have some previous programming experience or at least be familiar with programming concepts. Delegates should also be familiar with HTML and CSS. This knowledge can be gained by attendance on the pre-requisite Introduction to Programming - JavaScript and Modern, Responsive Websites with HTML & CSS courses.

Pre-Requisite Courses

Further Learning

Public Scheduled Events

Classroom & Live Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Duration: 2 days

Price: £990.00 exc. VAT 

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